Natasha | Profile | TL;DR Consultation
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Join date: Feb 4, 2021


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Natasha, and I'm disrupting the marketing industry, one company at a time.

Pleased to meet you.

In 2012, I left the world of finance. I had a life plan and I just threw it out the window. It wasn't for me, and no amount of money could change that. I spent the next 7 years unknowingly acquiring growth hacking skills through my sudden involvement in sociopolitical activism. If you like to see some of that trajectory, have a look at our portfolio, or what I would like to call - the school of hard knocks. Making a #tag MacLean's Newsmaker of 2015 is no easy task.. Nor is getting cited by the Canadian Senate.

What does that mean? That means moving mountains with nothing more than algorithmic knowledge showered with a whole lot of content and clicking.

Over the years, I acquired skills covering Search Engine Optimization to social media management, content creation to graphic design, Google ads, Facebook blueprint; the list goes on and on.

The point here, is that after working for so many different agencies, I noticed a problem. In fact, we noticed a problem. The google ads company doesn't care about your Facebook service areas matching their location strategy. The seo company doesn't care about the user friendliness of your website, yet traffic means nothing if they don't click, amirite?

The Facebook corp isn't suggesting you run google ads simultaneously. The Facebook ads company doesn't know how to use a pixel correctly, and your email funnel team isn't coordinating with the Google ads team.

And pricing for all these services? Outrageous! So what to do? Well, you open TL;DR Consultation and you start teaching business owners not only how the internet of things works, but how to incorporate organic growth hacking in the mix.

The result is a fantastically formulated strategy that can't be beat, is authentic to what you do, and built to last.


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