TL;DR: Having a cohesive team is key and taking the time to shop around is a MUST.
Look, hiring employees and finding the right professionals for the job is never easy. There are hundreds of resumes to sort through, interviews to conduct, and trainings to hold. And at the end of the day, you will never know if your monetary and effort-based investments are going to pay off.
If you’re in the sales and marketing space, you know how transient the industry is and how much passthrough there is. What if we told you there’s an easy way out of the hiring hurdle? Here, Amy Collett from shares with us the perfect strategy to meet your internal goals and skyrocket to your success.
When in Doubt, Go Outside
CNBC reports that the freelance industry has grown by 22% since 2019. The market is clearly hot for contractors: which has significant implications for you and your business. When hiring professionals, opt for workers outside your own company. Why? Well, contractors get the job done faster and with more specialized skills than generalist employees. Not to mention, you won’t be spending countless hours (and dollars) in training them and getting them up to speed. Freelancers also handle their taxes, so you’ll save significantly in that regard as well.
How Do I Find the Right Professional?
Start by reflecting on the job at hand. Is it a project with a definite end date, or is it ongoing? How many hours a week do you need it worked on? What are some essential requisites when it comes to education, certification, and skill level? By assessing these questions, you’ll be able to create a detailed job description reflecting the desired responsibility and experience level. If you’re still struggling to get going, check out this guide on writing effective job postings by the Business Development Bank of Canada.
After you’re done getting the word out, be sure to conduct well-structured interviews to test efficacy. Lastly, be sure to ask for references (and don’t forget to verify them). You’ll want to request references from within the sales and marketing space so you get an understanding of the professional’s response to industry-specific challenges.